BSB Mfg. Performance Driven


How Do I Place An Order?
Several ways to buy BSB MFG parts. Call us @ 620-326-3152 or fax us at 620-326-5789 and we can take your order, Yes you can order from us both retail and dealers.
You can shoot us an email @ bsbmfg@yahoo.com and one of our sales people will contact you.
Or contact your local speedshop and see if they sell our products.
If you need help finding a local BSB MFG dealer give us a call and we would be happy to help.
Payment & Shipping
We ship out via UPS daily. We take Visa and Mastercard as well as ship C.O.D.
All products sold from BSB MFG are warranted to do what they are designed for. All products that are anodized have no guarantee on color. BSB MFG will replace any of our products found, Upon our inspection, to be defective in workmanship, or material within 90 days for date of shipment.
The Purchaser is responsible for determining the suitability of any and all products, parts, supplies and materials purchased from BSB MFG., Inc.
Racing is a hazardous sport.
No Warranty is made or implied regarding any racing product sold by BSB MFG., Inc. To protect users from damage, injury or death. User assumes all risks.
Any modification to a part will void warranty.
How do I become a Dealer?
Anyone that would like to become a dealer for BSB MFG must first contact us @ 620-326-3152 to see if your location is available. We will need your Tax ID number as well as your Resale number.